Friday, November 30, 2007
Hey! It's Friday! I am going to enjoy my weekend. Hope all of you enjoy too. Here are some MySpace TGIF comments for friends.

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posted by Dave Richards at Friday, November 30, 2007 | 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My colleague Jack is a true friend! He just bailed me out of a deep trouble. Actually I promised the boss of completing the program within this Wednesday. As you can guess, I was unable in the midway and there was no chance that I could deliver what I promised. If Jack would not have come to my rescue, I don't know how I could have faced the the boss. To be honest, I never expected Jack to help me as we are not such close buddies. It is through this small incidents that you come to know the true character of a person. Thank you Jack!

If you have been also lucky like me to have a wonderful coworker like Jack then don't forget to say thank you to them. Here are some Myspace comments for coworkers.

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Here are some Congratulations MySpace comments for coworkers.

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 29, 2007 | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Even after mom made some yummy dishes with the leftovers of Thanksgiving feast, we need to throw away the rest of it. Not because today is Throw Out Your Leftovers Day but the food has become inedible. My buddy said that this Friday (Nov 30) is the Clear up the Clutter day. Well I will do the cleaning of my home before as mom has ordered me.

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posted by Dave Richards at Tuesday, November 27, 2007 | 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Belated Happy Thanksgiving! I had a great time and a sumptuous dinner last Thursday. I hope everyone of you had a nice time. Hey, just check out my cool MySpace Christmas countdown widget. Christmas countdown has started and here is a perfect Christmas tree to pimp for your profile.


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posted by Dave Richards at Saturday, November 24, 2007 | 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I wish everyone has a great time today with their families and a grand Thanksgiving feast. Today I will party till midnight. There will be around twenty to twenty-five invitees and I hope to have a good time just like Thanksgiving 2006. Here are one dozen MySpace Thanksgiving comments and ecards.

Start off your Thanksgiving Day with a Thanksgiving Prayer.

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MySpace Thank you comments for expressing thankfulness for the warm wishes showered on us.

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Bring a smile on your friend's face with these funny comments

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Wish your beloved a Happy Thanksgiving for being in your life.

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Missing someone on this Thanksgiving? Reach out to him or her with this beautiful Myspace comments.

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Is there any birthday, anniversary or wedding today? Send special Birthday, anniversary or wedding cards on Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is a time to have a grand dinner with family and friends.

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Roasted turkey is a must in the Thanksgiving dinner. The other name of this is Turkey Day.

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Turkey day might be the other name of Thanksgiving Day the vegetarians celebrate Thanksgiving too!

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Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and football!

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Have a grand feast, exchange gifts and enjoy the ceremony. Here is a little gift for everyone from me. Happy thanksgiving!

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 22, 2007 | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hello friends! How are you all ? I have not been able to post for some days as I was so busy with the Thanksgiving preparations! I have done with my invitations and have brought the gifts. The decoration of the room is also complete. Today my parents will come and mom will start making preparations for the feast. Yahoo! For a long time, I have been missing the delicious dishes made by mom. I just wish we will have the same fun-filled Thanksgiving like every year.

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Have some fun with your buddies on Thanksgiving!

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Surprise your near ones with nice gifts!

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O'Henry, the famous author said "Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American."

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Dunno if I will get the chance of posting before Thanksgiving, so a Happy Thanksgiving in advance!


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posted by Dave Richards at Tuesday, November 20, 2007 | 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Today I have loads of household chores to be done. I have to clean up my rooms and most importantly my refrigerator. Now, don't think I am only doing it because today is Clean-out-your- refrigerator day, but I have no choice. My refrigerator is stacked with so much wasted food items and clutters that I can't stuff anything more . Moreover Thanksgiving is just around the corner and if I have to make some dishes beforehand.

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 15, 2007 | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I had a good fun yesterday. My neighbor Mr. And Mrs. Bradley invited me for their marriage anniversary party. It was a small party but the food was really good. One Indian family was invited and they presented the Bradley couple a jar of Mango Pickle. Now I have always have a weakness for this food item. So I can't help tasting a bit. It was just fantabulous ! It was spicy and had a hot and sweet taste. I just loved it . Today is the Pickle Appreciation Day and I am definitely going to have some pickle with the burgers. On this weekend ( Nov 18) there is 10th Annual International Pickle Festival at Roselande, NY. I am definitely going there to get some good pickles for the coming Thanksgiving

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posted by Dave Richards at Wednesday, November 14, 2007 | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I took a day off from office yesterday. We had just finished a project and there has been less work pressure for time being. So the boss gladly gave me the permission. Yahoo! I did nothing much. Just lazying around and calling the invitees for the Thanksgiving party. In the evening I watched some funny videos.

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posted by Dave Richards at Tuesday, November 13, 2007 | 0 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Nov 11th is the Veteran's Day which is known as the Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in many countries. This is a day to remember and acknowledge our gratitude to the living military veterans who devoted their life in the service of the country. So if you know any veteran who had been in the armed force then don't forget to wish him a Happy Veterans Day. I will wish my neighbor Mr. Johnson who was a part of the second world war .

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 08, 2007 | 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I am really having mid week crisis now. I am just counting days for the weekend when I can take some rest and then start sending the invitations for the coming Thanksgiving. I have number of things to do for the Turkey feast. If Jack would not have been there in office to help me in my work and cheer me up with his silly jokes, I don't know how I could have coped up with the work load.

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posted by Dave Richards at Wednesday, November 07, 2007 | 0 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friends! I'm back to my work as usual after a lazy weekend. But I'm not in a mood and I feel like banging my head on the desk – the usual Monday Blue effect. I'm in a mood to get into the basketball court with all my pals and that's what I'm going to do this evening. And guess what? Tomorrow is Basketball Day. So don't miss to wish your basketball crazy friends and to cheer for your team in their MySpace profiles with more Myspace Basketball comments.

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posted by Dave Richards at Monday, November 05, 2007 | 0 comments
Friday, November 2, 2007
Happy Sandwiches Day! It has been an eventful week and we had a fun-filled Halloween. On this weekend I am just going to have complete rest and have lots of sandwiches! Hehe...tomorrow is the Sandwiches Day. So stuff your breads with vegetables or meat and some sauce and your yummy snacks is ready!

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posted by Dave Richards at Friday, November 02, 2007 | 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Belated Happy Halloween! If you forgot to wish a "Happy Halloween" to any of your friends then don't fret -- it's not too late! Just call them or send some spooky ecards or put some scary comments on their MySpace profiles.

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 01, 2007 | 0 comments
Happy Halloween! So the day has come. Today you give in to your dark side, give your friends a fright of their life,do the 'trick or treat', dress yourself in the whackiest way possible. But just one word of caution - Don'tforget to draw the line while playing pranks on others or burning the crackers. Halloween is a time to have fun. It should not be turned into nightmare of someone.So have a safe and fun-filled Halloween

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posted by Dave Richards at Thursday, November 01, 2007 | 0 comments