Friday, September 21, 2007
It's the weekend again folks! Hope you guys are enjoying the last of the summer days. Remember fall officially starts this Monday! So happy last weekend of the summer.

Send this Cool Weekend eCard!Copy The HTML Code And Paste It In Your Friends' "Post Comment" Box...
Labels: myspace weekend comments, TGIF MySpace Comments
posted by Casey Galatos at Friday, September 21, 2007

When you're at work you're performing for your job and to get ahead of the pack, to get the promotion you want but on the weekend you still have to perform right? You perform for yourself - and maybe for your significant other. Here's a sexy romantic MySpace comment just for that occasion --
posted by Casey Galatos at Friday, September 07, 2007

The long weekend is finally over. How sad. But you can always cheer up your co workers and parters in crime with Funny Ecards and MySpace Comments. You know as well as I do that they'd be having idle time doing all those things! Here's a funny MySpace Comment that you can use for your friends from work. It's as fun as a practical joke without the hard work!
posted by Casey Galatos at Tuesday, September 04, 2007
